Prom Sign Up

Prom is less than four weeks away! We are busy finalizing last minute details of "The Greatest Prom on Earth!"

Sign Ups are now posted outside of the office window for juniors and seniors to sign up; if you are bringing an out of town/school date you need to also sign them up on another sheet in the office. Everyone must be signed up by next Tuesday April 17th.

If you have any questions please see me!

Extended Year Services

Extended Year Services...What are they? Who Qualifies?

Check out this brochure from the state for more information. If your child qualifies we have discussed it at their IEP meeting and
I have made an initial contact to arrange services or set up a meeting to finalize. Please let me know if you have questions!Download file "Extended_School_Year_Services_brochure_Dec_2008[1].pdf"

Broadening Our Horizons: Living, Learning & Working Beyond High School

Northwest AEA is hosting a transition conference for educators, parents, students and other professionals. There will be three opportunities to learn how to help students with IEPs have a smooth transition from high school. The dates for the "Broadening Our Horizons: Living, Learning & Working Beyond High School" conference are April 19 and 20, 2012. Please see the attached flyer and let me know if you have any questions, I will be attending on April 19th.

Download file "SAVE_THE_DATE_ECC817A3D3262.pdf"

Gold Mountain Paperwork

Download file "HISTORICAL BACKGROUND.docx"

Download file "JOB PROFILE.docx"

Download file "MAP.docx"

Download file "RESIDENCE CERTIFICATE.docx"

8th Grade Social Studies

50 Days Until Prom

Prom is quickly approaching! Make sure your junior has turned in their class dues ($20), and all candy bar money. Please see Mrs. Kerr or Mrs. Winters if you aren't sure how much or what you owe.
Prom will be held on Saturday April 28th; dinner and dance will be at Martin Ballroom from 7:00-11:00pm. Grand March will be at the school at 5:00, after prom begins at 12:00 at the school.
Theme: Greatest Prom on Earth
Colors: Red, Black, Gold
Check back for further updates and information!


Welcome to my blog. I hope to post information regarding my classroom, cheerleading, volleyball, and junior class updates.
Feel free to contact me through e-mail or phone, the best time to call is before 8:00am, and after 2:30pm.
(712) 428-5145